Contact Us
→ Though we try to respond to your messages as soon as possible, it may take up to one business day.
→ We do not provide emergency services. In case of an emergency please contact the nearest emergency service:
Monday to Friday: Appointments available from 9:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Monday to Friday:
Book an Appointment
(416) 432-7262
English, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu
Insurance and Payments
Your extended health care benefits plan may cover our fees.
We accept payments by cash, cheque or e-transfer. Payments are due at the end of each session.
**Social Work services are considered a medical expense for income tax purposes. Any fees not covered by your benefits plan can be claimed as tax credit when you file your income tax return.
**Social Work services are considered a medical expense for income tax purposes. Any fees not covered by your benefits plan can be claimed as tax credit when you file your income tax return.